

4 Ways to Guarantee a Sharper Mind

When was the last time that you gave your brain a good workout? While most people have ways to look after their bodies, that vast majority give very little thought to the fact that our brains need to be looked after. There are lots of ways that you can ensure that your mind stays sharper, and it's never too late to start paying your brain a little more attention. If you've found that you often walk into a room and forget why you're there, or you can't find the glasses that you were wearing a moment ago, here are some smart ways to guarantee that you get a sharper, healthier mind. 

Physical Exercise

If you're doing regular exercise already to stay in good physical shape, then you're doing your mind a lot of good too. Research has shown that going for nature walks, playing tennis, yoga, and even just walking your dog isgreat for boosting your brainpower. The more physically active you are, the better, but even a brief ten-minute stroll will replenish your brainpower. Never forget that your brain and your body are the same thing, and what's good for one is often beneficial for both. 

Play Games and Do Puzzles

There was a huge surge of interest in brain training games in recent years, but they aren't your only option game-wise (they can be a bit boring). Games of all kinds are great for improving your memory or for increasing your cognition. Chess, card games, and online strategy games are all fantastic options to consider, but you have a lot more options than that. One of the most useful is to play an Online Escape Room, which will force you to think in various creative ways. If you want to sharpen your brain, puzzles and games are some of the best options. 

Read (but not social media)

To keep your mind sharp, you need to give it stimulation. Studies have shown that reading, even later in life, can dramatically cut down the rate of memory decline. The goal here should be to turn your reading into a regular habit. That's going to mean having a set part of the day where you put down your phone (reading your social media feeds doesn't count) and pick up a book. Join book clubs, read to your children or your grandchildren on Zoom. 

Eating the Right Brain Food

We all know that eating healthily is important for our bodies, but did you know that there are foods that have been proven to help you have a healthier brain? Nuts and fish are particularly good for your mind, and even a glass of red wine can be great for your brain. Salmon, in particular, is a useful food to regularly include in your diet because it contains Omega-3 fatty acids. Those are big building blocks for your brain! Green tea, eggs, and blueberries are all fantastic foods to eat once or twice a week if you want to keep your mind sharper. 

Going to the gym isn't something that everyone wants to do but looking after your brain doesn't have to mean sweaty workouts and nightmare spandex. Looking after your brain can be fun, calming, and even tasty! Don't neglect your brain, and it will only grow sharper.