

THE ZOOM ERA – Present the Best Version of You to the Online World


Just how many times have you had to gaze at yourself while in an online meeting with business colleagues or family members? Have you begun to notice things you wouldn’t normally notice? Such as a slight sagging of the eyelids or perhaps a bit too much of a wrinkled brow? How many times have you rearranged the angle of your screen so you can look just a little bit less frazzled? Let’s face it, worry plus aging plus gravity can take their toll on your looks. But, a little bit of help can go a long way – Botox San Diego is one of the most popular beauty treatments around the world, helping you to smooth out fine lines and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, as well as slow down the ravages of time. Drooping eyelids are definitely a sign of aging and a little nip and tuck I that area can make a massive difference to how you feel and how others see you. Eyelid surgery San Diego is a relatively simple procedure that you only need to do once in your life.

As you age, your upper lids often become puffy and begin to droop, making your eyes appear smaller and tired. When it comes to under-eye bags, nothing makes you look more tired and worn down than that. While clever make up might be able to hide some of that tell-tale sign of ageing, eyelid surgery San Diego can make an almost permanent difference. The surgery removes excess fat and skin, completely transforming your face and giving you a more youthful, alert and energetic appearance. As part of the ageing process, the muscles supporting your eyelids weaken and excess fat gathers above and below and that’s what causes drooping upper lids, sagging eyebrows and bags.

Eyelid surgery San Diego takes between 45 minutes and two hours, depending on what needs to be done. Recovery time is about two weeks, but it’s unlikely you’ll need to repeat the surgery as the effects are long-lasting.

Botox San Diego is a quick, non-surgical go-to treatment that you’ll need to repeat every four months or so. It takes only 15 minutes and makes a massive difference to how your face ages – that’s because it prevents the muscles in your face from fully engaging with the repetitive movements you probably aren’t even aware you do all day long, keeping the skin smooth. Botox San Diego can be done as a preventative treatment from as young as 25, but it can also be done at a later stage. It won’t completely reverse what time and gravity have done, but it will soften what’s there and then prevent further signs of ageing.

Always choose a qualified person to do your Botox treatments and definitely only go to a surgeon who is board-certified with a good, solid reputation for any surgical interventions. A great surgeon will be able to give you expert advice on what will work for you and will ensure that the results look seamlessly natural.

SUMMARY: In the world of online meetings, it’s important to focus on the face to ensure you bring your very best to the meeting.

AUTHOR:Calista Morcombe is a prolific blogger who loves delving into how changes in the world impact beauty trends.