

How To Help Deaf Children Yearning for Education?

Society is for all kinds of people, and what works for one should work for others as well. In this way, learning for hearing impaired children creates possibilities for them to receive an education regardless of their disability. Hearing loss is not the same for everyone, just as deafness is not the same for everyone.

Some people may have been deaf before learning a language, which is known as pre-lingual deafness. Some people may have lost their hearing after learning the language, making them post-lingually deaf. Hearing loss is divided into three categories based on the frequency with which it occurs:

·         Sensorineural: It is because of the damage in the hair cells in the cochlea. Hearing aids seem to be beneficial for this type of loss.

·         Conductive: This type is most common in children and happens in the middle or outer ear where sound waves cannot pass through the inner ear. Earwax in the ear canal or bone abnormality or severe injury may block the sound from entering the ear. It may be reversed through medical involvement.

·         Mixed Hearing loss: People have both sensorineural and conductive hearing loss.

Based on the type of hearing loss, hearing aids are available in many styles, sizes, and technologies. Learning for hearing-impaired children also varies according to pre-or post-lingually deafened type. Some rely on spoken language and some rely on sign language. Many communicate with a combination of spoken language and sign language as their spoken language is not as clear as the normal people.

Education is regulated in such a way that all the important aspects are taken into account and all of their requirements are met. Each kid with this handicap is helped individually, and accommodations are made according to their needs. One of the most important resources available to these children is technology. It helps kids understand what they're studying and the technologies which help for this are:

·         Assistive Listening Devices: Here the teacher’s microphone is directly connected to the student’s hearing aid. The sound waves that move through the wire when the teacher speaks make it easy for the student to hear, even when the class is big or loud. This technique eliminates the outer noise and concentrates only the teachers’ voice to the disabled student.

·         Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices: It helps in improving language skills and verbal speech. It also provides videos, activities, and quizzes that expand speech and cognition abilities.

·         Altering Device: Speech-to-text devices are the most efficient tool for students. It translates human speech to text so that teachers’ lectures turn into notes for later study.

As one sense is disabled, all other senses are focused to teach the students. Specifically, their eyes are their friends and, it helps them to observe everything that is taught to them. Though they may be different people around, education is equal for all.