

How to set whatsapp messenger for free

Whatsapp messenger is the most popular interface for chatting, video call, exchange of files, images, group chats etc. It is very easy to download and install. The icing on the cake is that, it’s all free. It is used by persons of all ages and is very is easy to with interesting features which can be used for many kinds of communication with no difficulties. It is download able to almost all devices without any issues. It takes a few minutes for this process of download whatsapp free and you are good to go.

What all you can do with the help of whatsapp messenger
  • You can share messages with others
  • You can upload videos
  • You can share music
  • You can share pictures and other PDF files
The best part of using whatsapp messenger is very convenient for using for people all over the world as call local or international are absolutely free. If you own a wifi connection it’s like having unlimited use to so many of your favourite things such as texting, group chatting, sharing images etc.

It is the uniting factor for many number of people who are separated by time zones and maps. It is the best way for sharing videos, music, pictures to your family, friends and other loved ones.

Whatsapp messenger has become a way of life for many people as it is the cheap, easy and entertaining too. It’s popularity has made it the first choice for many users and it was acquired by the Facebook which is another popular social media.

What all is required for downloading
  • There is a need to have wifi or data connection for your device.
  • You need to open this app in the app market and tapping on the icon.
  • After getting the official whatsapp messenger icon which is green in colour.
  • You can download it, it will automatically install on your device.
Some of the new android devices have whatsapp messenger pre installed into them.

Downloading for other devices
  • For an android you would have to go to the device’s browserwhatsapp APK and download the link by tapping it and save it.
  • Downloadingfor iPhones is little difficult as they are little restrictive but it can be done finding whatsapp for iOS. Finding the link and downloading it for your iPhone.
  • Old Nokia phones may not have this kind of facilities but the newer phones enable whatsapp messenger.
It can be downloaded on tablets too but it is tricky but is possible. It can be downloaded on PCs too but your QR code has to be scanned from your smartphone camera, then only you can activate the account. Now you can download whatsapp for free.

With so many options for the user from customising user settings is an added bonus with this free app. It is most used all over the world as every other time new updates and new features along with best security provided by this app has made it very popular among all age groups.