

Opening the Roads for the Best Mortgage Options

By fixing the interest for a longer period of time, you now pay slightly more than the lowest interest rate that is possible. On the other hand, with interest rate rises you will not be bothered by rising monthly charges. Instead, you simply continue to pay the same, providing security to the bank. Get the Fee free mortgage advice London  now for the best results.

Include renovation in the mortgage

Do you have the plan to renovate the house immediately when you get the key to it? It is possible to co-finance (part of) the renovation in the mortgage. As soon as you do a renovation on the property that improves its quality, it is possible to use the mortgage for this.

Do you want to co-finance a renovation? Then make sure that you have a valuation carried out, whereby you ask the valuer to take into account the renovation that you are going to do. Banks are then often prepared to co-finance the renovation, based on a higher expected value of the home. Of course it is important that you actually realize the renovation, so that you get the higher value of the home and you can use the financing for this.

Making the house sustainable with a mortgage

There is also the possibility to make your house more sustainable by, for example, installing solar panels on your roof. This costs quite a lot, but in the end you save with this. It is also possible to take out an additional mortgage for solar panels. Mortgage for sustainability is a normal business today and many banks are joining it.

Mortgage advice: tips to increase

And are you looking for more tips to increase the maximum mortgage? Then it is wise to make an appointment with a mortgage adviser. He or she can take a good look at your personal situation and check what is possible based on that. For example, by comparing the different mortgage types and paying close attention to the possibilities of freeing up extra money.

It has been known for some time that it is difficult for starters to get a foothold in the housing market. For example, there is a shortage of starter homes for sale and the maximum loan amount is falling. How do you get that dream house as a starter?

Check whether you are eligible for a starter loan

More than 200 municipalities in the UK offer a starter loan, which bridges the difference between the price of the house and the mortgage. That way you can borrow just that little bit extra that you need for your dream house. During the first three years you do not pay any monthly fees for the start-up loan. On the   website of the SVn   you can see if your municipality offers a starter loan.

Request a tax-free donation

Maybe there is someone in your family who wants to make a donation so that you can still pay for that one house. If you are between 18 and 40 years old, you may receive a tax-free donation of up to € 100,000. You must, however, use the donation within three years to purchase a home.