

Fundamentals of Redox Reactions

Redox reactions definition?

Any chemical reaction which includes the switching of electrons between species is called oxidation-reduction reaction or redox reaction. In such type of reaction, the oxidation number of the molecule or an atom or ion changes either by gaining or losing an electron. Such reactions are normal and significant for some essential functions such as photosynthesis, combustion, respiration, corrosion, etc.

Oxidation definition

When electrons are lost by a molecule, an ion, or atom during a chemical reaction it is an oxidation reaction. This type of reaction takes place when the oxidation state of a molecule, an atom or ion is increased.

Reduction definition

When electrons are gained by a molecule, an ion, or atom during a chemical reaction, it is an oxidation reaction. This type of reaction takes place when the oxidation state of a molecule, an atom or ion is decreased.

Redox reaction examples

Formation of hydrofluoric acid (HF) by reacting fluorine gas and hydrogen. The reaction occurs in the following way:

H2 + F2 → 2 HF
In this reaction,

Hydrogen undergoes oxidation whereas fluorine is undergoes reduction. Let us understand the reaction better. Therefore, by dividing the equation into two half-reactions, we get the following:

H2 → 2 H+ + 2 e-
F2 + 2 e- → 2 F-

Oxidizers definition with examples

Oxidizers are the substances that are accountable for losing electrons of other substances. Their role is to oxidize the substances. They are also termed as oxidizing agents, oxidizers, or oxidants. It is reduced by eliminating electrons from other substances. One common example of oxidizer is CrO3.
Reducers definition with examples

Reducers are substances that are accountable for gaining electrons from other substances. Their role is to reduce substances. They are also termed as reducing agents, reductants, or reducers. It is oxidized by giving electrons to other substances. Examples of reducers are lithium, sodium, zinc, etc.
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